What does excess sugar do to you?

I just covered the fact that sugar can be addictive and that that only became a problem when sugar became affordable and plentiful. In the 1700’s the average person only consumed about 4 pounds of sugar per year in 2005 the average person consumed about 100 pounds per year. 74% of Americans get 10% of[…]

Sugar Part I

Up until recently humans faced the very real possibility of starvation. We did not have the ability to preserve or transport food to any great extent so the concept of “our daily bread” was very real. Energy sources were often scarce so being able to determine the most potent food sources was an advantage. An[…]

Carbs- The Basics

There are basically four types of carbohydrates: sugar, starch, fiber, and glycogen. All carbohydrates except fiber are used to produce energy in your cells. Remember the two reasons for eating are energy and materials to build your body with. Carbohydrates are only used for energy. All carbohydrates are made of molecules of sugar.When carbs are[…]

What’s in my food?

Food contains a multitude of chemicals. I am going to start with the big three called macronutrients and later I will discuss some of the others. The three macronutrients are Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fats. Each has its own job and is an important part of the diet. However, some of the sensationalized news reports have[…]

Why do we eat?

The first answer that comes to mind is, because we are hungry; however it is very seldom that simple. The biological answer is, to provide the nutrients for energy and materials for growth and repair. The real answer is more like: boredom, depression, thirst, habit socialization, and pleasure. Eating is strongly tied to our very[…]

What to eat?

  One of the most frequent questions I get asked as a Wellness Consultant is, “What should I eat?”. Unfortunately that question is both simple and complex. The best answer is a quote form author Michael Pollan: “Eat food, mostly plants, not too much”. That is great advice but mot very practical in the long[…]

What you see is what you eat!

The way your refrigerator and cupboards are stocked can contribute to an unhealthy diet. In our high stress world food prep is just another chore. In an effort to simplify the stress our brains often produce desire for the easiest solution. This is quite often the first thing that catches the eye. Unfortunately our refrigerators[…]

Better, Stronger, Faster book review

A critical part of overall wellness is stress reduction. A critical part of stress reduction is getting more accomplished in the time allotted. I have just finished reading Smarter, Faster, Better by Charles Duhigg. Like his book Habit, this book takes complex psychological processes and puts them into an understandable form. Furthermore he mixes in[…]

Don’t Fall for Fantastic Claims

I saw a commercial for a diet product that advertised “Lose 5 pounds in the first week!”. Although you might lose 5 pounds in the first week it will not be 5 pounds of fat. Most of it will be protein, stored carbohydrates (that you need for energy) and water. How do I know? Look[…]